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Vincent inting Osmena 06/02/2015 CrossFit Pintados Grace 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps 2m 18s
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 03/15/2015 CrossFit Pintados Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
13m 15s
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 03/11/2015 CrossFit Pintados Split Lip 7 min AMRAP

7 dumbbell deadlifts one in each hand- (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: ), sumo style IS allowed

7 dumbbell push presses one in each hand- (Same)

30 double unders OR 60 singles (either one is Rx!)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 8 rounds. Scale up the dumbbells to 55/35lbs and 30 unbroken DUs per round if you think youll get more than 7 rounds.
5 rounds 11 reps
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 03/09/2015 CrossFit Pintados Buffalo Soldier 14 minutes, with a 2 round rolling start.

No more than 2 rounds in the first 4 minutes (if you finish early, you must stop and wait)

16 wall ball (Advanced: 20lb/10ft, Intermediate*: 14lb/9ft, Novice: 10lb/8ft)

12 box jump (Advanced: 24in, Intermediate*: 20in, Novice: 12in) step ups allowed-

8 toes to bar (Novice: 16 sit ups)

Then AMRAP for the next 10 minutes. If you cannot complete two rounds in the first 4 minutes, then just keep going at the 4 minute mark and treat the whole like a standard 14 minute AMRAP.

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 8 rounds. Scale up the wall ball to 30/20lbs if you know youll be outside of the guide range.
4 rounds 16 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 03/08/2015 CrossFit Pintados Beautiful Avalanche 3 rounds for time.

10 dumbbell thrusters (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

200m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 8 minutes. Scale up the DB weight to 55 and 35lbs respectively.
6m 48s
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 03/03/2015 CrossFit Pintados Too Clever by Half 12 min AMRAP

10 clean and jerks (Advanced: 52.5kg, Intermediate*: 35kg, Novice: 25kg)

15 abmat sit ups

30 dumbbell walking lunge one in each hand, arms at sides- (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds. Scale up the c&j weight to 60/42.5 for an additional challenge.
3 rounds 16 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 03/02/2015 CrossFit Pintados More Than A Feeling 7 min AMRAP

15 goblet squats (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

Kipping Pull-ups (Advanced: 15 reps, Intermediate*: 10 reps, Novice: 5 reps with a band)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds. Scale up to chest to bars for a round or two (or more) for an additional challenge.
4 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/23/2015 CrossFit Pintados Fortunate Son 3 rounds for time.

12 front squats (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 42.5kg, Novice: 30kg)

12 burpee pull ups

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5 12 minutes. Scale up to OHS for an extra challenge (even for just the first round)!
9m 58s
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/22/2015 CrossFit Pintados Russian Frenzy In 2 minutes:

15 heavy Russian kettlebell swings (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

Then max repetitions of low sled push & high sled push 20 feet (Advanced: 80kg, Intermediate*: 40kg, Novice: +0lbs) Each sled push is 1 rep (out and back = 2 reps)

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat 15 kb swings and then max sled pushes in 2 min again.

Record total sled push reps.

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 15 30 reps (remember that out and back = 2 reps)
15 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/19/2015 CrossFit Pintados Filthy Fifty / Dirty Thirty 50 Box jumps (Advanced*: 24, Intermediate:20 , Novice:12 )

50 Jumping pull-ups,

50 Kettlebell swings (Advanced: 35lbs, Intermediate*: 26lbs, Novice: 18lbs)

Walking Lunge 50 steps,

50 Knees to elbows,

50 Push press (Advanced*: 45lbs, Intermediate: 33lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

50 Hip extensions,

50 Wall ball (Advanced: 20lb/10ft, Intermediate*:14lb/9ft , Novice: 10lb/8ft)

50 Burpees,

50 Double unders.

*Womens Rx

The movements can be completed in any order with the exception of the last THREE. Wall balls, burpees, and double unders (THE LAST THREE MOVEMENTS) will have to be done in order (and at the end) for the workout to be considered Rx.

Scaling Guide: 35 minute cut off (see below or scale accordingly).
29m 43s
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/17/2015 CrossFit Pintados Brown Sugar 6 min AMRAP

Chest to bar pull ups (Advanced: 10 reps, Intermediate*: 5 reps, Novice: kipping or band pull ups)

10 goblet squats (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

10 bumper plate burpees (Advanced: 20kg, Intermediate*: 10kgvice: 15lbs Dbs)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
2 rounds 20 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/16/2015 CrossFit Pintados For What Its Worth 7 min AMRAP

8 ring push ups (Advanced*: rings near floor, straps vertical, Intermediate: rings set to near floor height, feet under anchor point, straps at 45 degree angle, Novice: rings set near waist height, rings at 45 deg angle).

8 dumbbell hang power cleans (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

100m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 7 rounds. Scale up to ring dips for an extra challenge
6 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/12/2015 CrossFit Pintados Mermaids Dilemma For time.

800m Run

15 hang power snatches (Advanced: 50kg, Intermediate*: 35kg, Novice: 16kg kb swing)

15 overhead squats (Advanced: Same, Intermediate*: Same, Novice: 25kg front squat)

15 jerks shoulder to overhead- (Advanced: Same, Intermediate*: Same, Novice: 25kg)

800m Run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 8 15 minutes. Scale up to 60/37.5 if you wish.
16m 52s
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 02/10/2015 CrossFit Pintados The Starting Line For time.

15 power snatches (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 37.5kg, Novice: 25kg)

400m run

10 power snatches

400m run

5 power snatches

400m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 8 12 minutes. Scale up the weights to 65/42.5 for an additional challenge.
12m 32s
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 02/08/2015 CrossFit Pintados Siberian Dancing Bear 7 min AMRAP

10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

50 bear crawl

15 abmat sit ups

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
6 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/04/2015 CrossFit Pintados Evasion Cover as much distance as possible in 20 minutes. Run in any splits youd like. A minimum of 800m of running must be performed.

Scaling Guide: 1800 5000m. If you walk part of the runs, it is considered scaling.
3,800 m
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 02/03/2015 CrossFit Pintados Rainy Day For time.

10 8 6 4 2 Handstand push-ups (Advanced: head to floor, Intermediate*: 1 abmat, Novice: two hand db strict press with a challenging weight)

2 round trip sled pushes 20 feet after each set of HSPU (Advanced: 80kg, Intermediate*: 40kg, Novice: 20kg)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 8 minutes. Scale up to deficit or head to floor HSPU (ladies) for an extra challenge.
5m 18s
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 02/01/2015 CrossFit Pintados Fallen 44 For Time

4 Squat Snatches (42.5/30*/20)

Then 4 Rounds of:

11 Pull-ups (Women: Ring Rows)
11 Hand Release Push-ups
11 T2B
11 box jumps (24/20)

Then Finish w/ 4 Squat Snatches.
14m 13s
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 01/26/2015 CrossFit Pintados Bittersweet Memories 7 min AMRAP

3, 6, 9, 12 Wall ball (Advanced: 20lb/10ft, Intermediate*: 14lb/9ft, Novice: 10lb/8ft)

5 toes to bar (between every set of wall ball do 5 t2b, no matter what set of wall balls you are on).

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 70 150 reps. Scale up: 30/20lb wall balls respectively.
6 rounds 13 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 01/25/2015 CrossFit Pintados CrossFit Open 11.1 Cut in Half 5 min AMRAP

30 double Unders * (Intermediate: 15, Novice: 60 single unders)

15 power snatches (Advanced: 35 kg, Intermediate*: 25 kg, Novice: 16 kb swings)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 5 rounds. Scale up: Do the 10 min version (the original 11.1 workout).
2 rounds 32 reps
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 01/19/2015 CrossFit Pintados Soft Shore For time.

800m run*

20 pistols alternating legs (Novice: single leg sit to stand on a box)

20 burpees

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5:30 8min.
5m 34s
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 01/13/2015 CrossFit Pintados Small Sprocket 8 min. AMRAP

15 dumbbell thrusters (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

30 double unders (Intermediate: count attempts, Novice: 30 single unders)

15 toes to bar (Advanced*: 15 reps, Intermediate: 10 reps, Novice: 5 reps)

30 double unders (same as above)

*Womens Rx

Scaling Guide: 3 5 rounds
2 rounds 3 reps
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 01/12/2015 CrossFit Pintados Drop the Clutch 1 shoulder to overhead (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 35kg, Novice: 25kg)

1 round trip shuttle run (20 out and back, each round trip counts as one rep)

2 shoulder to overhead, 2 round trip shuttle runs

3 shoulder to overhead, 3 round trip shuttle runs


As many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes (count total reps and log that). Remember that each round trip shuttle run counts as one rep for this workout.

Scaling Guide: 30 100 reps. Scale up: 70kg/42.5kg
65 reps
Workout Scaled
Vincent inting Osmena 01/11/2015 CrossFit Pintados Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
12m 38s
Performed as RX
Vincent inting Osmena 01/05/2015 CrossFit Pintados Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
8m 56s
Workout Scaled